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Thanks to your donations, the association “Les Amis de Pauline Jaricot” supports the cause of beatification of Pauline Jaricot.


It finances actions to publicize Pauline, her life, her work, her spirituality, by publishing or republishing writings by Pauline or on Pauline; collecting testimonies attesting to a miracle; by offering conferences or shows that bear witness to this great Lyon figure of the 19th century.


You can donate online by making a transfer with the RIB


The association cannot yet issue a tax receipt.



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"The love of God gives value to the smallest actions. But the most beautiful actions without love are without beauty and without life ..."
Another face, J. Servel, p.126
"Let us go out of ourselves, go to the heart of Jesus, go to love itself, it is he who will give us to love him."
Another face, J. Servel, p.178


© 2010 - 2020 Les Amis de Pauline Jaricot - All rights reserved

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