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General historical bibliography

Most of the books cited below are in the OPM library, rue Sala in Lyon.

The writings of Pauline Jaricot

  • JARICOT Pauline. The infinite love in the divine Eucharist. Lyon. 1822. 32 pages. Several editions.

  • JARICOT Pauline. Annals of the Living Rosary. From 1822 to 1862.

  • JARICOT Pauline. Personal notebooks. Letters to Mother Saint-Laurent. From 1822 to 1862.

  • JARICOT Pauline. Advice to Pauline Perrin. 1842.

  • JARICOT Pauline. Spiritual writings. MAME. 2005. 32 pages.


Books on Pauline Jaricot in the 19th century

  • MAURIN Julia. Life of Pauline Jaricot. Tome I. Société Générale de Librairie Catholique. 1898. 472 pages.

  • MAURIN Julia. Life of Pauline Jaricot. Volume II. Societe Generale of Catholic Bookstore. 1898. 513 pages.

  • DUBOUIS Marie Françoise. Marie Pauline Jaricot. Editing. 1899. 170 pages


Books on Pauline Jaricot in the 20th century

  • SAINTE-MARIE PERRIN Élisabeth. Pauline Jaricot, founder of the Society for the Propagation of the Faith. Joseph de Gigord, Paris. 1926.

  • LATHOUD David. Marie Pauline Jaricot. 2 Volumes. Paris. The Good Press. 1937.

  • BARBER Jean. The parish priest of Ars and Pauline Jaricot. South East printing works. 1952. 150 pages.

  • JOLINON Joseph. Pauline Jaricot. patron of social Christians. Fayard. Paris. 1957. 156 pages.

  • SERVEL Joseph. Another face. unpublished texts by Pauline Jaricot. The cottage. Lyon. 1962. 240 pages.

  • GORREE Georges. Pauline Jaricot, a committed lay person. Editions of the Vieux Colombier. Paris: La Colomb. 1962. 131 pages.

  • RAMBAUD Paul. Saint Mademoiselle Pauline Jaricot. Apostolate of the Press. Paris. 1965.

  • NAÏDENOFF Georges. Pauline Jaricot. Médiaspaul and Éditions paulines. Paris. 1986. 112 pages.

  • DECOURTRAY Albert, NAIDENOFF Georges, MALBOIS Albert. Pauline Jaricot: “I was so alive with my own life”. Mediaspaul. Paris. 1986. 108 pages.


Books on Pauline Jaricot in the XXIst

  • BARBER Jean. The parish priest of Ars and Pauline Jaricot. South East printing works. 2002.

  • QUANTIN Henri. Pauline Jaricot, mutter of God. Deer. Paris. 2003. 98 pages.

  • Sister Marie Monique of Jesus. A soul of fire. Spirituality by Pauline Jaricot. Deer. Paris. 2005. 124 pages.

  • GIACOVELLI Clara. Pauline Jaricot. MAME. Paris. 2005. 298 pages.

  • Jacques Gadille, Gabrielle Marguin. Pray 15 days with Pauline-Marie Jaricot. New City. 2005. 128 pages.

  • Sister Marie Monique of Jesus. Living Rosary, this truly divine harp ”. Spirituality by Pauline Jaricot. Deer. Paris. 2006. 124 pages.

  • Sister Marie Monique of Jesus. Youthful writings. ARPEGE. Paris. 2007. 124 pages.

  • Sister Marie Monique of Jesus. Letters from PAULINE-MARIE JARICOT to Mother Saint Laurent - The Song of Glory. François-Xavier de Guibert. Paris. 2007

  • OPM. One thought a day. Texts collected by the OPM. MEDIASPAUL. LYON. 2008. 107 pages.

  • Sister Marie Monique of Jesus. Pauline Jaricot: THE LIVING ROSARY. Lethielleux. Paris. 2011

  • DUFOURCQ Elisabeth. The Adventurers of God (history of the missions). DEER. LYON. 2012. 145 pages.

  • MASSON Catherine, Pauline Jaricot, 1799 - 1862, Biography, CERF, Paris 2019, 521 pages.


Books on Pauline Jaricot in foreign languages

  • Author. Paulina Jaricot, laica fundafora Obra Propagacion de la Fetiré de Chile Misioner. 1997. 34 pages.

  • TAMBURELLI Giovanni. Un anima amica del cuore eucaristico di Gesu Paolina Maria Jaricot. Founder of the opera della Propagazione della Fede. 124 pages.

  • GOLDMANN Otto. Eine gewisse Jaricot. Editor. 172 pages.

  • MISSIONS AND MISSIONNARIES REVIEW. Pauline Jaricot: her dream of loving without end led to the founding of the Association for the Propagation of the faith. 1988. Article.


Other publications on Pauline Jaricot in French

Missi Review, Special Issue, Pauline Jaricot, May 2005


Proceedings of the International Symposium, Jubilee Pauline JARICOT. Lyon, January 9, 2012
SPIRITUS n ° 206; March 2012; PP. 103/108


Summary: Presentation of the colloquium organized by the Pontifical Mission Societies on the theme “Pauline Jaricot, a woman always present”. Presented as a woman with an innovative spirit, precursor of social Catholicism and carried by a deep spirituality, the Lyonnaise Pauline. JARICOT (1799-1862) seems however more known and revered abroad than in France…


Youtube references

OPM-2019 Pauline Jaricot, a path of beatification,

KTO-2020 , CAT Productions.

Pontifical Mission Societies. [2020].



OPM-2020 Pauline Jaricot soon to be beatified! - OPM



OPM. Pauline Jaricot and missionary renewal. KTO. 2002. Documentary, Interviews, CDROM, 52 min.




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"The love of God gives value to the smallest actions. But the most beautiful actions without love are without beauty and without life ..."
Another face, J. Servel, p.126
"Let us go out of ourselves, go to the heart of Jesus, go to love itself, it is he who will give us to love him."
Another face, J. Servel, p.178


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