Pauline Jaricot
Pauline Marie JARICOT was born on July 22, 1799 in the heart of the city of Lyon, 16 rue Tupin, in an industrial district where the silk trade was active.
His parents, Antoine JARICOT (1755-1834) and Jeanne LATTIER (1762-1814) are respectively 44 years old and 37 years old.
Pauline is the last of a family of 7 children including Paul, 16 years her senior, Sophie, MarieLaurence, Phileas, 2 years old with whom she will have a privileged bond. The very day of her birth she was baptized by a refractory priest.


Her works
The creative genius of an authentic Lyonnaise, mystic committed pioneer in his time, the intuitions of Pauline Jaricot were concretized through several great commitments which are manifested in works of evangelization, supported by the Catholic Church. These works are still relevant today.

Propagation of the Faith
The Propagation of the Faith was officially recognized in Lyon
on May 3, 1822
The Living Rosary
The Living Rosary, created by Pauline in 1826, continues to be prayed in the world in different ways by "associates", in religious congregations, parishes, spiritual groups, places of pilgrimage ...

The Daughters of Mary
The Daughters of Mary followed Pauline in this total gift of Love, who watches and listens to each human being to lead them on the path of God, while remaining secular.
Pauline Jaricot's interior conversion in 1816 gave her a different perspective on her life and her relationship with the near and far world.
"I loved Jesus Christ more than anything else in the world, and for the love of His love, I loved more than I did all those who worked or suffered."